
Showing posts from September, 2021

Senator St Clair to speak at Grenada Conference of SDA National Prayer Caravan

  As Senator for Agriculture and Fisheries, I have been invited by the Grenada Conference of Seventh-day Adventists to speak during their National Prayer Caravan which began at 8:30 am today, 25 September. I will speak at 4:15 pm relative to our farmers and fishers within the present Covid-19 environment.  I invite our farmers and fishers to join in anytime during the day to the prayer caravan at the link below, to pray and support prayers on behalf of our nation at this difficult time. As Senator for Agriculture and Fisheries, I support the efforts of the Ministry of Health and the nation’s frontline workers, to keep the country safe in this unprecedented time. I am also grateful that Grenada’s agriculture and fisheries sectors remain on call to support our nation’s food security, and I appeal to our nation’s farmers and fisherfolk to adhere to the Covid-19 protocols and keep safe.  Please tune in at 4:15 pm when I will speak directly to them.  Zoom: https://us02web...

Senator St. Clair marks one year representing Agriculture and Fisheries

18 SEPTEMBER, 2020, ST. GEORGE’S: 16 September 2021 marked one year since I was elected by our Farmers and Fisherfolk to represent them as their Senator for Agriculture and Fisheries in the Upper House of the Grenada Parliament. Representing them in Parliament is a new experience that I am learning from every day. I am grateful for their trust in me.  I am listening to the voices of our Farmers and Fisherfolk as we strengthen bonds at all levels to find solutions, by exploring opportunities, and seeking redress on their behalf. Together, we are building stronger organisations and networks from the ground up towards a better life for them, their families and the nation. I thank all the Farmers and Fisherfolk, the line Ministers and staff at the ministries of Agriculture and Fisheries, Senator colleagues, the media and the general public for their insight, assistance, and guidance provided thus far.  I am grateful that Grenada’s agriculture and fisheries sectors remain on call...

Senator St Clair appeals to farmers and fishers to adhere to health protocols and get vaccinated

  2 SEPTEMBER 2021, ST. GEORGE’S: The current rate of transmission of Covid-19 in Grenada is significant and we are seeing an increase in Covid-19 related deaths.  As Senator for Agriculture and Fisheries, I am appealing to all our farmers and fisherfolk to please comply with the requirements of the Covid-19 health and safety protocols to keep yourselves, your families, workers, and contacts safe.  I support the efforts of the Ministry of Health and the nation’s frontline workers, to keep the country safe, and I strongly encourage my constituents to get vaccinated.  END