Senator St Clair to present at Senate on Wednesday, 14 July 2021


In the Senate on Wednesday, 14 July 2021, Senator the Honourable Roderick St Clair would ask the Leader of Government Business, Senator the Honourable Simon Stiell the following questions on: 

• The status and operations of the Praedial Larceny Fund 
• Corporate Plan for the Ministries of Agriculture, Lands and Fisheries • Types and number of scholarships awarded to Grenadians in the field of Agriculture and Fisheries and their related fields over the past ten (10) years, and status of the awardees. 

Senator St Clair will also make contributions to the 

• COVID-19 Cancellation of Carnival August Celebrations Bill, 2021 
• Police (Amendment) Bill, 2021 
• Road Traffic (Amendment) Bill, 2021. 



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