Agriculture Senator congratulates farmers awarded British Empire Medals for services to agriculture


5 JUNE 2021, ST GEORGE’S: Queen Elizabeth II has awarded two farmers the British Empire Medal (Civil Division) for their service and contribution to agriculture in the Queen’s Birthday Honours. 

I congratulate farmers Evans Gooding and Leonard Joy Peters whose efforts and tenacity have been recognised through this significant award. 

Mr. Gooding is the president of the North East Farmers Organisation (NEFO) in New Hampshire, St George. NEFO is well recognised locally, regionally and internationally as a leading farmers’ organisation because of his leadership and representation over the years. I have known Mr. Gooding for about 10 years, especially within the Caribbean Farmers Network. We attended several conferences together and worked on various initiatives and projects. He is dedicated to his farming and to structure and organisation. 

Mr. Peters of La Sagesse is a longstanding farmer that I have personally known over two decades, and he has been farming for longer than that, and he is dedicated to doing things properly. He has been involved with the La Sagesse Model Farm from inception and prides himself on reliability and quality, and I extend kudos to him for his efforts in producing fruit and vegetables, root and tree crops. This award validates his efforts to feeding the nation and contributing to the overall economic development of the country. 

I also commend the individuals and the committee for recognising and acknowledging these stalwarts in our communities, showing the significance this noble profession is to this country. I am confident that other farmers and fisherfolks involved in feeding the nation, will have their efforts recognised in time and publicly acknowledged across the Commonwealth.



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